Body of Wisdom

Increasing Inner Resilience through Somatic Literacy

Photo: Mark Woodward

A holistic education course combining theory and practice aiming to deepen participants’ self-understanding and provide practical tools for navigating stressful times with greater ease.

Course material will integrate science-based theory and practice on stress reduction with teachings, contemplations, and practices from perennial wisdom traditions of the East and West. The emphasis is on creating a more spacious sense of embodied wellness and grounded ease to empower participants in living through times of change and challenge.

Participants will be supported in creating lasting change through shifts in self-understanding and will be empowered with multiple tools and exercises to support their ability to live with ease and design a healthier, less stressful lifestyle.

Class topics include:

  • CNS trauma theory

  • Somatic movement education

  • Facilitated meditation

  • Sleep lab

  • Felt sense focusing

  • Journaling exercises

  • Facilitated discussion groups

  • Breathing techniques

  • Dharma teachings

  • Yoga psychology

  • Peer exchanges

Photo: Mark Woodward

This course consists of a series of 8 remote learning classes and 7 guided meditations; classes will have various emphases and will consist of theory, practice, breakout rooms, discussions and journaling. Resources will be identified to share with participants to help maintain their learning process between classes. Peer exchanges will be organized between classes.

Participants will commit to a daily or near-daily practice. A 2-hour class every other Saturday for 8 sessions starting April 29th - August 5th. On alternating Thursdays, there is a 30-minute meditation for 7 sessions starting May 4th - July 27th.

Tangible outcomes for this course include:

- Greater connection to their body’s inherent wisdom (somatic literacy)

- Potential shifts in fundamental understanding of themselves and the world

- Self-created anchors to inner equanimity

- Increased ability for self-regulation

- Knowledge of Somatic Movement Education daily practice

- Reinforced ability to meditate

- Numerous stress-reduction tools

- A supportive community of fellow travelers

About the facilitator:

Adam Ram Charan has been passionate about exploring consciousness through meditation and healing work for decades. He received his coaching training and certification through Coacharya in Chennai, India. His coaching style integrates his therapeutic skills, intuition, and meditative presence in service to his clients’ genuine need to uncover and release limiting beliefs and fears and reveal the inherent wisdom, love, freedom, connectedness, and strength that lies within everyone’s core.

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Enroll below

$1,200 OR four installments of $325.00/month

Terms and Conditions

By signing up for this class, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to our terms and conditions.