Flying Lead Change—56 Million Years of Wisdom for Leading and Living

This powerfully moving and instructional field guide for being human, published by Sounds True, is available from all major online booksellers. Flying Lead Change positions EQUUS as a leader in the field of transformational change in the personal and organizational sectors

Wendorf invites us to look to millions of years of evolutionary intelligence offered by nature and nature-based wisdom to meet the unprecedented challenges of today. Kelly Wendorf wrote Flying Lead Change in response to the ways our conventional approaches to living and leading no longer serve humanity or the planet. Using storytelling, evidence-based research, ancient earth-based principles, biomimicry, contemplative wisdom, and her uncompromising tutelage under indigenous elders, she opens the doors to a new way of seeing the world. Through that opening is a promise that we can thrive.

A message of hope and a call to step out of the conformity of outdated narratives and consensus reality, Kelly calls us forward into our birthright of joy and freedom. But the most powerful message comes from our equine brothers and sisters, members of a 56 million–year–old system–the horse herd. Their culture has ensured their success through geologic catastrophes, climate changes, and the threat of extinction…and they have much to share with us during our darkest time in human history.

Poignant, powerful, enlightening, and liberating, Flying Lead Change—56 Million Years of Wisdom for Leading and Living is an inspiring nonfiction book that supports readers in finding their voice, reclaiming their self-agency, and participating in the heart-and-mind shift necessary to alter humanity's destiny.

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  • “With compelling stories and deep insight into the shared nature of horses and humans, this beautifully-written book teaches us how to change stride in mid-gallop as individuals with each other, and as a species with the Earth. Soulful, practical, scientific, and spiritual—what a profound book!”

    — Rick Hanson, PhD Author of Neurodharma: New Science, Ancient Wisdom, and Seven Practices of the Highest Happiness

  • “Not only was this a page turner, but a tearjerker. I was pleasantly surprised to find myself on a spiritual journey. I was left with the recognition that I had received something profound, a message that I had not heard before.”

    — Kendra Prescott, Licensed Professional Counselor

  • “Flying Lead Change is a nimble exploration of human potential. It is a manual, a user guide to being human, ultimately lifting up infinite possibilities for connection between nature and the human heart.”

    — Elizabeth Mathews

  • “Kelly Wendorf offers an equine-inspired way of knowing and being in the world. A wise, wise work—about listening, leading, loving.”

    — Richard Louv, Author of Our Wild Calling and Last Child in the Woods

  • “As an assault team leader and officer in the Navy SEAL teams, I had constant access to world-class modern training and technology. But it was the ancient lessons—those of Spartans, Samurai, and stoic philosophers—that guided my leadership journey to success on and off the battlefield. Flying Lead Change is no ordinary leadership book; it is an ancient lessons manual for how to lead and live well in any century.”

    — Navy SEAL Commander Rorke T. Denver, New York Times bestselling author of Damn Few: Making the Modern SEAL Warrior

  • “A book the horses want us to have so that we can remember our horse body and how to be in the world, our lives, our relationships, our families, and in our organizations. Let this wisdom gallop through your heart. I want to put it under my pillow and absorb it all by osmosis and dreamtime night after night.”

    —Ali Schultz, Co-founder of

  • “This book has become one of my favorite spiritual/self-development books ever. It’s like a personalized self-development workshop with Kelly from the comfort of your own home. Kelly writes with incredible clarity and depth, combining deep spiritual wisdom with practical steps for developing self-awareness and confidence. The horse stories are an added bonus! She also includes exercises that are thought-provoking and foundational for anyone who wants to develop more self-awareness and Internal guidance. I will be referring to this book for years to come and using it as a North Star in my own assisted development practice.”

    — Leiko J Coyle