Essays by Kelly Wendorf

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Standing Up When Democracy Falls

I confess I have been in a state of paralysis since January. But slowly, as I find the courage to not look away from the videos displaying the unchecked power of bullies, my rage kindles an awakening. It’s happening. This is not a drill. We are in a constitutional crisis.

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The Weight of the Unseen:Unpacking Invisible Labor and How to Reclaim Your Time

Every now and again, you discover a term that its mere appearance, changes everything. One of those terms is invisible labor. It describes the quiet mental, emotional, and interpersonal work required to keep a relationship, office, or household humming. There is no union for invisible labor, no retirement plan, no promotion, or golden parachutes.

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This One Practice Will Change Your Relationship

My partner, Andrew (who is also a coach), and I developed a weekly practice that we call our “Huddle”. We’ve been doing it for a couple of years now, refining it and revising it over time, and have discovered that it is a powerful way to keep our relationship healthy and vibrant. We designed the six-step process to evoke some very specific qualities: empathy, attunement, honesty, courage, gratitude, accountability and vulnerability. Many of our couple friends and clients ask us for the Huddle recipe so they can implement it too and we’ve heard reports that they too find the practice a game-changer. So, I thought to share it with you here. 

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The Latest Evolution in Feminism: 10 Signs that She’s Rising Up

I’ve been immersed in feminist spaces for a while now. Additionally, most of my clients are

women. In the 25+ years of listening closely to women’s hopes, fears, dreams, rage, grief, and ambitions, I’m discovering a powerful sea-change among women roiling just under the radar, beneath the surface of daily life, tucked quietly out of the crosshairs of conventional opposition.

What makes this wave distinct from the rest is how ubiquitous it is across sectors and dimensionsof modern life. 

Here are 10 ways she is rising…

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The Portal

The last time I ate a whole bag of Pepperidge Farm Cheddar Goldfish was the day after election day 2016.

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10 Ways to Be an Exceptional Listener

Are you a good listener? If you ask any person, they will likely tell you they are good listeners. But if you ask the people in their life, you may get another story.

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Assertiveness Series Part 6: Monsoon Season

Here at Buffalo Spirit Ranch we are learning how to reclaim, remediate and harvest all the water that comes to us. We live in the high desert, so water is precious. But the monsoon rains present another challenge: the skies open, and assault the land with more than it can handle.

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Assertiveness Series Part 5: The Dangerous Horse

Our wonderful and kind horse Cisco teaches us that the word “no” is a complete sentence. During his previous career as a talented stadium jumper, he had an unfortunate trailer accident that injured his hip. This left him insecure about jumping. When his trainer asked him to jump, Cisco expressed hesitation. When the trainer persisted, Cisco kept trying to convey his concern. In many ways, Cisco was saying, “No!”. But the trainer didn’t listen.

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Assertiveness Series Part 4: The Caretaker

Back in the day, when I was a doormat…that is to say, when I diminished myself by minimizing my needs, silencing my voice, and numbing my feelings…I was not a very nice person. I thought I was being nice because I was caretaking everyone, pleasing others and performing to all kinds of heights. But in truth, because I was not able to take care of my own needs and honor my own ambitions, then I was not able to be truly honoring of others.

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Assertiveness Series Part 3: The Doormat

I used to think that boundaries were these rigid structures, sort of like a moat around a castle wall, complete with crocodiles and armored soldiers standing guard. As such, I found them hard to implement with people I cared about because, well, I cared about them and why would I erect such battlements between us? So I chose to be a doormat instead.

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Assertiveness Series Part 2: The Good Girl

As a child, I learned to survive my family system by being the good girl. I honed an ability to anticipate needs, and meet them. I could sense people’s moods and emotions, thus navigating my way around the invisible rules of engagement by pleasing, and dodging conflict.

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Assertiveness Series Part 1: The Buffalo

Welcome to our Assertiveness for Life and Leadership Series, a seven part series that highlights the topics of assertiveness, caretaking, boundaries and over-functioning. Here I share a personal anecdote, along with tips and additional resources on the topic.

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Getting Clear – the Radical Choice to Wake Up in a Culture Obsessed with Numbing 

When I was a young girl learning how to ride, almost consistently I was admonished to ‘not let the horse know I was afraid’. Supposedly my emotion would set the horse alight with terror, or perhaps worse, said horse, upon feeling my fear, would conspire to manipulate or hurt me in some deviant way. As aspiring young cowgirls and -boys, we were taught to hide our feelings, bypass our emotions. Perhaps nowhere is the projection of a disconnected society more obvious than in this conventional ‘wisdom’ of the equestrian world passed down from generation to generation of riders. Let’s be clear before I move on: horses are not afraid of fear, nor are they poising to mess you up through your vulnerabilities. In fact, it is not our fear that worries a horse, but our masking. It’s the incongruence that creates the problem.

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What Dante Taught Me about Dying (and Living)

His face looked out over the advertisement about him on––bright, happy, with a kind of “What’s next?!” enthusiasm that I grew to know. “Lusitano, 7 years old, must have experienced rider…” it read. I responded immediately and requested a phone conversation with the seller, “I must warn you,” she said carefully, “he has a rather…shall we say…distinct Roman nose.” I flew out to California the next day to see him.

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An Ancient Model Useful for Contemporary Times

My left shoulder sports a tattoo––a rendering of a petroglyph in the shape of a spiral. In school, while listening the droning on of teachers, I drew spirals all over my notebook. When playing at the beach with my two young children, it was playful co-mingling spirals we carved into the sand with long sticks.

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The Wisdom Way of Living and Leadership

Kelly shares profound reflections on a transformative journey to the Grand Canyon – an exploration that becomes symbolic of a larger journey to uncover the authentic core of leadership and personal growth. This essay illuminates the tension between short-term technological gains and the timeless, organic wisdom of human connection. As new viewpoints on coaching and wellness emerge, enticed by the lure of artificial intelligence and top-line efficiency, she urges us to remember the irreplaceable value of human empathy, intuition, and authenticity. Kelly prompts us to ask ourselves: in our race for advancement, are we losing touch with the genuine human heart of leadership development? This philosophical meditation on the nature of life, business, and inner growth is a must-read for anyone reflecting on their own path of leadership or personal development.

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A Different Spin on the Principle of Integrity

The pursuit of moving from 'good' to 'extraordinary' demands a venture into your inner resources and ways of operating in the world. At EQUUS, we see integrity not just in the typical construct of conforming to a moral or ethical code but consider it as wholeness, derived from the Latin adjective integer, embodying unity, authenticity, and alignment. We perceive integrity as the essence of energy within an individual or entity. When in alignment with your values, you experience an increase in life force vitality, resulting in elevated energy levels. This energy is the essence of survival and growth, propelling individuals, teams, and organizations from good to great. We teach integrity from the perspective of energy rather than morality, encouraging individuals to align with values that bring forth positive outcomes. The cultivation of integrity lies in making and keeping agreements. This translates to agreeing impeccably, leading to more trust, accountability, and heightened productivity. Despite the magnitude of the agreements, all broken ones disrupt the flow of life force. Ultimately, to be impeccable with agreements, one needs to make clear and explicit agreements, keep them, renegotiate if needed, and take responsibility for any broken agreements.

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Soul-Centered Strategies for the New Year: A Thoughtful Planning Toolkit

Delve into soul-centered strategies for the New Year with an easy-to-implement planning toolkit. Unveil a refreshing approach to New Year's resolutions, embracing the idea of transformation rather than pressure and obligation. Seamlessly integrate reflection, creation, support systems, and the power of communication into your life design. This is not just about planning for the New Year but a thoughtful method to herald any new life phase. Embrace this journey to make your next 12 months a roaring success.

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