Kendra Prescott, LPC, M.S.Ed., EECF Candidate
Kendra is an ardent student of life. Her curiosity and willingness to explore the vastness of the human experience cultivate excitement and deep gratitude for the opportunities of discovery we all have.
As a Licensed Professional Counselor, consultant, and coach she is dedicated to supporting the growth and development of people. Whether it is teaching at the university level, providing psychotherapy to clients, or facilitating leadership development programs for international companies, she applies her earnest desire to meet the unique needs of each individual. Kendra is also a lifelong horse person and brings her intimate knowledge and diverse experiences into the landscape of a client’s experience with the horse.
Kendra received her master’s degree from the University of Pennsylvania and applies Acceptance and Commitment Theory to her work. She realizes the practice of mindfulness and leading a values-driven life are essential life skills at work and in our personal life.