Leah Goldman, MA, PCC, EECF, EEC


Leah has been drawn to horses and has had a passion for helping others for as long as she can remember. Growing up in the world of health, fitness, and athletics she recognized from an early age the benefits of a healthy mind and body. Her background with horses as well her career as a Clinical Mental Health Counselor, Marketing Director in the Health and Wellness industry and her time as a Fitness Instructor all led her on the path to becoming a coach. Her passion to help others through the partnership of horses while creating authentic and deep relationships with each of her clients is what drives her on a daily basis. Leah believes strongly in the benefits of spending time in nature and with animals. One of Leah's gifts is her ability to connect and communicate with horses on a spiritual and soulful level. Working together, she helps clients tap into their our soul-selves, which enables her to effectively receive and share information and insights for the client’s greater good that come from an intuitive and guided place. Leah lives in Ipswich, Massachusetts, a farm coastal community where she owns and operates her own Equine Coaching Business, Fika Coaching.

“In the beginning of 2022, Leah offered the Heart and the Herd Retreat to me. I jumped at the opportunity. I entered into the retreat without expectations and not really knowing what I exactly wanted out of the experience. It was more than I could have ever imagined. It simply can be described as life changing. The exercises we did were powerful and personal but still brought the group together so that we bonded and felt so supported by each other. I felt so in tuned to my horse partner, Artemis. Despite not being able to speak to me using words, her presence and energy helped me know what path I needed to take. I can't wait for my next trip to EQUUS. Leah and Kelly, Saint and the EQUUS herd, have truly changed my life and helped me to be the person I want to be.”