Assertiveness Series Part 5: The Dangerous Horse

Our wonderful and kind horse Cisco teaches us that the word “no” is a complete sentence. During his previous career as a talented stadium jumper, he had an unfortunate trailer accident that injured his hip. This left him insecure about jumping. When his trainer asked him to jump, Cisco expressed hesitation. When the trainer persisted, Cisco kept trying to convey his concern. In many ways, Cisco was saying, “No!”. But the trainer didn’t listen. No was not the right answer.

Finally, Cisco blew up in a rage, and violently bucked the trainer off. The trainer said he was dangerous, and hence he was gifted to us––where he takes good care of every person he encounters. I wonder what Cisco thinks. Do you see yourself in Cisco? Are there people in your life that won’t hear your “no”? Are there situations where it’s unsafe or uncool for you to say “no”? Is there a better environment waiting for you, where your “no” is honored? 

Here's what to remember about saying “No.”

1. “No” is a complete sentence.

2. When you say “no”, it brings you to your truer “yes’s”.


Assertiveness Series Part 6: Monsoon Season


Assertiveness Series Part 4: The Caretaker